Hear! Here! 2022/2023
Hear! Here! is a dialogue platform and research project at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut. We hold regular workshops, reading groups and collective discussions for staff that explore different approaches to education, exchange and listening, with a focus on Critical Pedagogy.
For our 2022/2023 program we will be honing in more closely on questions around hierarchy and democracy, within the institution and the classroom. In our reading groups sessions will be reading Jacques Rancier’s The Ignorant Schoolmaster with supplementary texts from Kristin Ross, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Park McArthur and Constantina Zavitsanos. Irina Shapiro will be leading our Intervisie sessions.
Upcoming dates (2022/2023):
– Reading Group #1 w/Amelia Groom, Tuesday December 15th, 5-7pm (online)
– Intervisie #1 w/Irina Shapiro, Tuesday December 29th, 5-7pm (at Fred. Roeskestraat)
– Reading Group #2 w/Amelia Groom, Tuesday February 7th, 5-7pm (online)
– Intervisie #2 w/Irina Shapiro, Tuesday February 21st, 5-7pm (at Fred. Roeskestraat)
– Workshop #1 w/Staci Bu Shea, Tuesday March 7th, 5-7pm (at Fred. Roeskestraat)
– Reading Group #3 w/Amelia Groom, Tuesday March 14th, 5-7pm (online)
– Intervisie #3 w/Irina Shapiro, Tuesday March 28th, 5-7pm (at Fred. Roeskestraat)
– Workshop #2, Tuesday April 11th, 5-7pm (at Fred. Roeskestraat)
– Reading Group #4 w/Amelia Groom, Tuesday April 25th, 5-7pm (online)
– Workshop #3 w/Alina Lupa, Tuesday May 9th, 5-7pm (at Fred. Roeskestraat)
Hear! Here! 2020/2021
In 2020/2021, the Hear! Here! platform focused on critical pedagogy. We organised workshops for Rietveld and Sandberg staff
Conversations/Appendices 2020/2021
Hear! Here! 2019/2020
In 2019/2020, the project was two-fold. Together with our editorial team, we organised monthly dialogue workshops open to all Rietveld and Sandberg teachers and monthly dialogue event for students, teachers and staff. Due to COVID-19 we transitioned to online workshops.